بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمَانِ الرَّحِيم
I never thought this would turn up in the Qur'an!! Oh burrrnn, people of Prophet Shu'ayb!!!
Surah Mutaffyfeen, ayahs 1-4.
(since I'm on a terribly tiny palm top, I will write the ayah's translations here.)
1. Woe to al-Mutaffifeen, [those who give less in measure and weight (decreasing the rights of others)]
2. Those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, demand full measure,
3. And when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due.
4. Think they not that they will be resurrected (for reckoning),
Cheating and lying are paired together, and the importance of why we shouldn't cheat and lie is mentioned in the ayah. It's based on the story of Prophet Shu'ayb's people. They cheated people in their business and their punishment was an earthquake. So reading this actually shocked me! I didn't know that this would be mentioned in the Qur'an. I never even knew what Mutaffifeen meant.
Actually, cheating and lying are pretty much the same thing. Let's say you cheated on a test.
*lights dim*
*stage light turns on*
*actors come to stage*
"The test will begin in one second! Which is NOW!" said the teacher. And she flared her nostrils at each syllable.
Everybody began writing furiously. Omar could not stop himself from peeking at the test of the person next to him. The person next to him was writing down reasonable answers, so Omar thought they were right. He didn't want to ask if he couldn't copy the answers because that kid next to him was a blabbermouth.
Yeah, even more of a blabbermouth than Omar himself.
Is that even possible?
Anyways, Omar decided to look at the other kid's test, the noe next to him who
didn't talk much. His answers were probably right.
When the time was up, Omar turned in his test. He was excited about the results. He was probably going to get an A+!
Omar got his test with a large red A+ at the top. It looked a lot like blood, which Omar disliked, but he didn't care. Why?
Omar grinned from ear to ear and eye to eye and nostril to nostril. His big MOMMA was gon' be as happy as some kid on Eid who got a new remote control car.
A month later, Omar had another test at school. He was going to use that same technique again.
So there he was sitting, in his seat, waiting for the test to begin. But just before the teacher handed out the tests to everybody, she announced [while flaring her nostrils again at each syllable]....
"Last month's test, most of you did a good job. But there's one thing we found out through our surveillance cameras, and that is..." As she waited for everybody to lean forward with suspense in their seats, she flared her nostrils as big as she could, [dang maybe she has a nose problem] and then she said, "MISTER OMAR CHEATED ON HIS TEST!!!"
Omar gasped, along with all the other kids. Then, slowly, everybody began to stare at him.
Omar was ashamed and very humiliated. Why oh why had he cheated on that kid's test? He should have remembered there were surveillance cameras!!!
Then he remembered something way more important. Allah was watching him too. There was a bad punishment for cheaters and liars in Islam. Omar didn't want that punishment!! Silently he asked Allah for forgiveness and then he turned his facwe to the teacher and said,
"I'm sorry."
The End.
Don't Cheat or Lie! This is a Lesson for Me Too!