Fun Page


Here's a 'fun' page! For those who like nasheeds, I put together some nasheeds relevant to our lives. They're all my favorites.


Al-Habib by Talib al-Habib

This nasheed gives a good example of who our #1 role model should be. You shouldn't look up to those useless celebs who probably wouldn't care about you if they knew you. It's good to look up to your elders or young kids who happen to be stronger in the religion than you, but the person at the top of your role model list should be Rasulullah SAW.

Afraid to Read by Dawud Wharnsby

This nasheed explains how we will all be so afraid to look at our books on the Day of Judgement. It makes us cautious of our actions and whatever we say. Whenever I sing it I feel a little afraid and guilty for singing such a serious song in an extremely cheerful attitude. :P

The Crazy Spots I've Prayed by Dawud Wharnsby

This nasheed tells about the hardships of praying in public. You don't really learn anything from it, but I thought this song was perfect for our halaqa session on praying in public. I didn't mention it to Mom though because Mom isn't a party person.

What Did I Do Today? by Dawud Wharnsby

This nasheed is so relevant to our lives. It scares me a little even though it's a fast-paced, cheerful song. I guess it's because I think it feels like Ummi asking me what I did today. This song is good for those procrastinators [namely me]. It makes you think of what you did in your day and it makes you want to spend the rest of your days productively.

Alhamdulillah/I Am Just a Rock by Dawud Wharnsby

This song makes you feel grateful for what you are. It reminds you how much more potential and ability you have than other things, like rocks and trees. Sometimes I wish I wasn't a human. Animals seem to have much more faith in Allah than humans happen to have.


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